Last Updated: 03/07/2019
Choose the Rankings:
git logo
ieee logo
pypl logo
redmonk logo
tiobe logo

What is this table?

In order to help programmers better understand the adoption of programming languages, this page aggregates several programming languages rankings.

The most important rankings are the Git, IEEE, PYPL, RedMonk and TIOBE (alphabetical order). They use different criteria and have different update rates. This page is updated by an aggregator that checks weekly for updates to these rankings. If there are, your table is updated.

For now, this table contains only the top 15 programming languages from the 5 rankings mentioned above.

Tip: When you click on rankings icons on the page top, they are excluded from or included into the table. Then positions are recalculated and languagens are rearranged immediately.

Average Position calculation

The average position is the simple arithmetic average between rankings positions. But, if a language is not present in a ranking, the position considered for calculation will be 15.

Same average position. What are the tiebreakers?

1. Amount of 1st positions
2. Amount of 2nd positions
3. Amount of 3rd positions
(And so on...)
16. Alphabetical order

Any suggestion? Want furhter information? Please, get in touch.

Analized Rankings

ieee logo

Git Octoverse
Last updated: 09/30/2018
Update rate: Yearly
Number of languages: 10

ieee logo

IEEE Spectrum
Last updated: 07/31/2018
Update rate: Yearly
Number of languages: 48

pypl logo

PYPL Index
Last updated: 02/02/2019
Update rate: Monthly
Number of languages: 23

redmonk logo

RedMonk Ranking
Last updated: 08/10/2018
Update rate: Semiannually
Number of languages: 20

tiobe logo

Last updated: 03/07/2019
Update rate: Monthly
Number of languages: 50

Let's get in touch!

Suggestions? Criticism? Doubts?
Talk directly to José Yoshiriro (or simply Yoshi), the creator of this page.